Cistercian Order: Faithfulness and the intertwining paths of life that lead to it.

« Reflets de la Nature » (Reflections of Nature)
The stained glass window is a variation of a bay window in the abbey church of Obazine (Aubazine) in the Corrèze, with both the square motif so dear to the Cistercian Order and the interlacing, as can be the paths of life and faith.
There is no logic to the way the colours are arranged. The lead path emerges above this random arrangement.
This reproduces in full light the same reflections of the sun through all the supports of life such as water, rock, foliage...
The Romanesque-arched panel is mounted in a wrought-iron frame on a base designed by wrought-iron craftsman Éric Bonnot so that it can be used as a mobile screen.
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