The Energy of YELLOW
Physical characteristics of Yellow
Wavelength : 590-570 nm
Frequency: 530-510 thz
Warm colours
Complementary colour : Violet – Purple
Different shades of yellow
Some variations of the colour: cadmium, gum gutte, lemon, Indian, aureolin, Naples, natural sienna, yellow ochre.
Other colour fields of the: Yellow
Western representation of Yellow
Yellow and its symbols
Yellow is one of the most ambivalent colours.
It’s the symbol of youth and strength. It also has associations with intelligence and the spoken word. In Greece, a good orator was said to have a “golden mouth”. The current expression “the word is gold” has therefore survived since that time.
These days, yellow is also present in everyday life. It is an indication of a potential hazard or a traffic prohibition on the road. In sport, the ‘yellow card’ is used to warn a football player, while in cycling the ‘yellow jersey’ is the sign of the winner of the Tour de France.
And when yellow loses its purity: It is also the colour of intolerance. Doubt, betrayal and feelings of indifference.
Yellow in dream interpretation
In the analytical conception, colours express the main psychic functions of man: Thinking, feeling, intuition, sensation.
Yellow is associated with intuition, youth and strength.
Other elements associated with Yellow
Element= Fire
Stone= Citrine
Orientation = Northwest
Musical note = E
Day of the week = Sunday (Sun = yellow/gold)
Yellow in history and Catholic religious representation
This is the colour attributed to Apollo.
It is human intelligence enlightened by divine revelation in the transcendent world. Saint Peter is dressed in golden yellow.
In the case of the theological virtues, it is the colour of faith. (The Vatican colours are yellow and white). It is also associated with the rebirth of the spring at Easter time.
If it’s negative, it’s proud egoism. If it’s pale, it’s betrayal. In the stained glass windows, Judas is dressed in pale yellow.
From the 13th century onwards, councils opposed marriage between Christians and Jews. They demanded that the latter wear a distinctive sign. In the beginning, it is a spinning wheel, or a figure such as the tables of the law, or a star that is reminiscent of the Orient. Later, the Nazis simply drew on the range of medieval symbols when they introduced the wearing of the yellow star by Jews.
Yellow in Asia
In Chinese theatre, colour symbolism is used extensively for the audience’s identification of either the roles or the characters of the actors.
Yellow is used to represent the emperor or the imperial family.
It symbolises cunning and skill in the characters.
A symbol of strength and courage in Japan
For Buddhists, it has a spiritual dimension.
In India, the colour yellow is a symbol of negotiation and trade.
Other representations of yellow in the world
In India, golden yellow is the spirit of Wisdom.
It encourages us to reflect, to meditate, to seek wisdom by being reasonable and prudent.
Other representations: Yellow is associated with the sun gods of the Incas and Aztecs, the god Ra in Egypt and Buddhist philosophy.
In Latin America and Mexico: The colour yellow is directly associated with death and mourning in most Latin cultures, as it is in Egypt.
Middle East: This colour is more commonly associated with happiness and prosperity in the Middle East. Associations with yellow go hand in hand with those of Western cultures.
Around the world, and in many African countries, only people with high social status are allowed to wear yellow. Les variations de jaune et de l’or sont universellement associées à l’argent, la qualité et le succès dans la plupart des cultures du monde.
Yellow in Chromatotherapy
Clarity and joy, revitalising and stimulating the brain and enthusiasm.
Yellow is the colour of the mind, of discernment and analysis.
Physical actions of Yellow
It strengthens the digestive system and tones the muscles.
It is also recommended for digestive problems and helps with eczema.
It stimulates the eye. Can calm nervous people. Stimulates emotions.
Yellow Psychic Actions
A warm, reassuring colour. Yellow stimulates the intellect. It promotes concentration. It facilitates learning and develops organisational skills. Helps you think clearly.
It has a positive effect on mental fatigue and melancholy. It helps to resolve inner struggles, provides an understanding of emotional mechanisms and therefore promotes emotional management. It favours communication, especially if it tends towards orange. It’s an effective antidepressant.
To excess
irritability and prejudice.
It is contraindicated in cases of tachycardia and in cases of alcoholism.