The Energy of BLUE
Physical characteristics of the Blue
Wavelength : 500-450 nm
Frequency: 670-600 thz
Cold colour
Complementary colour : Red
Variations on the Colour Blue
Some colour variations: cerulean, ultramarine, manganese, cobalt, prussian, phthalo, viridian, indigo
Other chromatic fields of colour : Blue

Western representation of the colour Blue
Symbolism of the colour Blue
Blue is the symbol of peace, of the immensity of space. It represents inner peace, religiosity and devotion.
But when it turns cloudy, it is a sign of superstition, fear and misdirection.
In dream interpretation
In the analytical conception, colours express the main psychic functions of man: Thinking, feeling, intuition, sensation.
So blue is the symbol of thought. Symbol of heaven and spirit
Other common associations
Element= Air
Stone= Azulite, sapphire, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite.
Orientation= North
Music note = G SOL
Day of week= Thursday (Jupiter = Blue)
Blue in the history of Catholicism and in religious representation
Blue came late in the history of mankind. In many ancient languages and in the primitive languages of the equatorial and tropical regions, the word “blue” does not exist, probably due to a phototoxic phenomenon. A high dose of ultraviolet radiation in these regions would make it difficult to see the blue colour. It would be associated with the green or grey colour.
For a long time, it was very difficult to reproduce the colour blue. The Egyptians used to grind lappi-lazuli in order to obtain this colour.
In France, blue only became fashionable in the 12th century. At the same time, people in the Pays de Cocagne learned to make blue woad. Indigo, imported from India, later replaced this process.
This rarity meant that blue was reserved for French kings.
Blue was attributed to Jupiter and Juno. For the early Christians it symbolised God the Father
“Blue and silver, like water, are Mary’s virgin colours.
The Messiah’s robe is blue when he is in the midst of preaching. It stands for all the truth: loyalty, serenity, faithfulness, peace.
Blue in Asia
For millennia, blue has symbolised and represented the sky. It represents the Tao, the holy way, the unfathomable principle of existence. the blue represents immortality.
In Chinese theatre, colour symbolism is used extensively for the audience’s identification of either the roles or the characters of the actors.
Blue is the colour of civil servants, along with purple;
In the characters, the blue colour is the symbol of ferocity and cruelty.
In India, blue is the spirit of Truth. It is associated with Vishnu, the avenger, and also with Krishna. Krishna is a central figure in Hinduism and one of the most popular Hindu gods.
It is linked to religion, peace and music. Blue develops the sense of music. It calms the nervous system, heals the lungs and has a positive effect on the eyes.
Other representations of Blue
In Latin America and Mexico, where there is a large Catholic population, blue is often associated with religion because of the colour of the Virgin Mary’s dress or the colour of her veil. Because of its association with grief, blue can also evoke an emotional response. It is also the colour of confidence and serenity in Mexico. In Colombia, it is the colour of soap.
In all mythologies it is associated with divinity: in ancient Egypt with Amon-Ra, god of the rising sun; in Greece with Jupiter, father of gods and men; and with Juno, the incarnation of fertile, flourishing femininity;
In the Middle East, blue stands for keeping safe and protected. It’s the colour associated with, sky, heaven, spirituality and immortality.
Blue is the colour of mourning in Iran. For the Cherokee tribes of North America, it represented defeat.
Blue in Chromatotherapy
Blue ‘opens’ the mind. Combined with green, it awakens intuition and talent. It brings Yin.
Physical actions of Blue
It has antipyretic, antiseptic and astringent properties.
It regulates thyroid function, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, acute pain, fever and the elimination of cellular waste. It is also antiseptic. It helps you sleep
It is indicated for insomnia. More calming than green for nervous people.
Helps with asthma, obesity and cellulite by reducing appetite.
Blue's Psychic Actions
Refreshing and relaxing. Recommended for insomnia, mental fatigue and stress.
It has a soothing, tranquillising effect. It moderates reactions to stress.
It fights against selfishness and depression.
It inspires peace and introspection. It stimulates the imagination.
To excess
it inspires introspection, melancholy and meditation. It has a tendency to stifle communication. It encourages withdrawal.