The energy of the Indogo

The energy of the Indogo

Indigo's physical characteristics

Wavelength : 450-425 nm

Frequency: 670-700 thz

cold colour

Complementary colour : Orange

Variations on Colour

A few variations of the colour: Deep blue with purplish tints


Other chromatic fields of colour: Indigo

La couleur Indigo

Idigo's Western representation

Indigo colour symbolism

The colour of depth, of the unconscious. This colour is associated with intuition

Peace and serenity. Makes us aware of who we are. Soothes us and connects us to the cosmos.

Other common associations

Element= Water

Stone= Lapis-Lazuli

Orientation= North

Music note = LA

Indigo in Asia

Indigo is the spirit of strength, the spirit of royalty.L’indigo est l’esprit de Force, l’esprit de royauté.

It has the same virtues as blue light but at a higher level.

In Chromatotherapy

Indigo's physical actions

It helps treat frigidity. Has a vasodilatory effect. It stimulates the parathyroid gland and reduces abscesses. Relieves disorders of the sensory organs such as the eyes, nose and ears.

Indigo Psychic Actions

It harmonises and balances. It’s a hypnotic colour. It calms the emotions and encourages us to go within.

18 November 2023

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